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More on Deconvolution

Donnerstag 05 Juli 2018

I wrote about this paper before, but I am going to again because it has been so enormously useful to me. I am still working on segmentation of mammograms to highlight abnormalities and I recently decided to scrap the approach I had been taking to upsampling the image and start that part from scratch.

When I started I had been using the earliest approach to upsampling, which basically was take my classifier, remove the last fully-connected layer and upsample that back to full resolution with transpose convolutions. This worked well enough, but the network had to upsample images from 2x2x1024 to 640x640x2 and in order to do this I needed to add skip connections from the downsizing section to the upsampling section. This caused problems because the network would add features of the input image to the output, regardless of whether the features were relevant to the label. I tried to get around this by adding bottleneck layers before the skip connection in order to only select the pertinent features, but this greatly slowed down training and didn't help much and the output ended up with a lot of weird artifacts.

In "Deconvolution and Checkerboard Artifacts", Odena et al. have demonstrated that replacing transpose convolutions with nearest neighbors resizing produces smoother images than using transpose convolutions. I tried replacing a few of my tranpose convolutions with resizes and the results improved.

Then I started reading about dilated convolutions and I started wondering why I was downsizing my input from 640x640 to 5x5 just to have to resize it back up. I removed all the fully-connected layers (which in fact were 1x1 convolutions rather than fully-connected layers) and then replaced the last max pool with a dilated convolution.

I replaced all of the transpose convolutions with resizes, except for the last two layers, as suggested by Odena et al, and the final tranpose convolution has a stride of 1 in order to smooth out artifacts.

In the downsizing section, the current model reduces the input from 640x640x1 to 20x20x512, then it is upsampled by using nearest neighbors resizing followed by plain convolutions to 320x320x32. Finally there is a tranpose convolution with a stride of 2 followed by a transpose convolution with a stride of 1 and then a softmax for the output. As an added bonus, this version of the model trains significantly faster than upsampling with transpose convolutions.

I just started training this model, but I am fairly confident it will perform better than previous upsampling schemes as when I extracted the last downsizing convolutional layer from the model that layer appeared closer to the label (although much smaller) than the final output did. I will update when I have actual results.

Update - After training the model for just one epoch, with the downsizing layer weights initialized from a previous model, the results are already significantly better than under the previous scheme.

Etiketten: coding, data_science, tensorflow, mammography, convnets, ddsm
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As I continue to work on my mammography project I save a lot of time by re-using weights from models I have already trained rather than training every iteration of every model from scratch, which would be very time consuming. However a drawback to this method is that if I add a new layer or change a layer when I continue training the model the layers which have not changed are prone to overfit as they have been trained for substantially longer than the new layers.

I tried only training certain variables, but when the checkpoint is saved only the trained variables are included in it, which means that the checkpoint can not be restored as it is missing many variables. This could be overcome by restoring certain variables from one checkpoint and others from a different checkpoint, but that is overly complicated and not very convenient.

Earlier today, I had added another deconvolution layer to my model. When I trained just that layer the accuracy of the model went very high very quickly, much more quickly than training all of the layers. But then I couldn't continue training all of the layers because the checkpoint only contained the layer trained. I don't have the time to retrain the entire monstrosity from scratch, so I found an ugly hack that allows me to train mostly the layers I want to train while saving all of the weights in the checkpoint.

I create two training ops - one for all variables (train_op_1) and one for the variables I want to train (train_op_2). I run train_op_2 most of the time. But right before I save the checkpoint I do one iteration of train_op_1 which updates all layers, so all variables are saved in the checkpoint. It's not pretty, but it works and best of all, the code doesn't have to be changed depending on what I want to train. I specify whether I want to train all vars or just the subset as a command line arg and if I want to train all vars, then set train_op_2 = train_op_1.

I just ran a few quick tests with no issues, hopefully this will continue to work.

Etiketten: python, data_science, machine_learning, tensorflow
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TensorFlow Queues and Validation

Donnerstag 22 März 2018

I am currently working with a dataset that is far too large to store in memory so I am using tfrecords and queues to feed the data in. This works great, except that I was not able to evaluate the model on the validation dataset every epoch like I usually do.

After spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out ways around this, none of which worked, I found an easy solution that does work.

batch, labels = read_and_decode_single_example([train_path])
X_def, y_def = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image, label], batch_size=8, capacity=2000, min_after_dequeue=1000)
X = tf.placeholder_with_default(X_def, shape=[None, 299, 299, 1])
y = tf.placeholder_with_default(y_def, shape=[None])

I have a function that reads that data in from the tfrecords file (read_and_decode_single_example()). I then create the default features and labels using shuffle batch. Finally I create X and y as placeholders with default, with the shuffled batches as the defaults.

Then when I am training I don't pass the feed dict, and it defaults to using the data from the tfrecords file. When it is time to evaluate, I pass the data in via a feed_dict and it uses that.

This is not a great solution, it is kind of ugly, and it does require loading the validation data into memory, but it works and is simple. I had also tried using tf.cond() to switch between reading the data from a train.tfrecords file and a test.tfrecords file but was unable to get that to work.

The research I did indicates that the preferred way to handle this is to use different sessions, or different graphs with weight sharing, but that just seems ridiculous to me. It shouldn't be that complicated.

Etiketten: python, data_science, machine_learning, tensorflow
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Batch Normalization with TensorFlow

Dienstag 13 Februar 2018

I was trying to use batch normalization in order to improve the accuracy of my CIFAR classifier with tf.layers.batch_normalization, and it seemed to have little to no effect. According to this StackOverflow post you need to do something extra, which is not mentioned in the documentation, in order to get the batch normalization to work.

extra_update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
sess.run([train_op, extra_update_ops], ...)

The batch norm update operations are added to UPDATE_OPS collection, so you need to create that operation and then feed it into the session along with the training op. Before I had added the extra_update_ops the batch normalization was definitely not running, now it is, whether it helps or not remains to be seen.

Also make sure to use a training=[BOOLEAN | TENSOR] in the call to batch_normalization() to prevent it from being applied during evaluation. I use a placeholder and pass whether it is training or not in via the feed_dict:

training = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool)

And then use this in my batch norm and dropout layers:


There were a few other things I had to do to get batch normalization to work properly:

  1. I had been using local response normalization, which apparently doesn't help that much. I removed those layers and replaced them with batch normalization layers.
  2. Remove the activation from the conv2d layers. I run the output through the batch normalize layers and then apply the relu.

Before I made these changes the model with the batch normalization didn't seem to be training at all, the accuracy was just going up and down right around the baseline of .10. After these changes it seems to be training properly now.

Etiketten: data_science, machine_learning, tensor_flow
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TensorFlow GPU Errors on Windows

Montag 12 Februar 2018

I have been loving TensorFlow lately and have installed tensorflow-gpu on my Windows 10 laptop. Given that the GPU on my laptop is not a really great one I have run into quite a few issues, most of which I have solved. My GPU is an Nvidia GeForce GT 750M with 2GB of RAM and I am running the latest release of tensorflow as of February 2018, with Python 3.6. 

If you are running into errors I would suggest you try these things in this order:

  1. Try reducing the batch size for training AND validation. I always use batches for training but would evaluate on the validation data all at once. By using batches for validation and averaging the results I am able to avoid most of the memory errors.
  2. If this doesn't work try to restrict the amount of GPU RAM available to tensorflow with config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.7
    which restricts the amount  available to 70%. Note that I am unable to ever run the GPU with the memory fraction above 0.7
  3. If all else fails turn the GPU off and use the CPU: 
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count = {'GPU': 0})

The difference between using the CPU and the GPU is like night and day... With the CPU it takes all day to train through 20 epochs, with the GPU the same can be done in a few hours. I think the main roadblock with my GPU is the amount of RAM, which can easily be managed by controlling the batch size and the config settings above. Just remember to feed the config into the session.

Etiketten: python, data_science, machine_learning, tensor_flow
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